contact me

Please contact me with any questions you may have:

Matthew Dempsey

1001 N. Ogden Dr. #3
West Hollywood, CA 90046



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Therapy Services


Therapy Services 


In-Person Psychotherapy

It's helpful for a consumer to know there are a number of therapeutic approaches and not just one way of doing therapy. Matthew uses several of these approaches to tailor the therapy to each individual to work with clients in the most effective and efficient ways to reach all goals. Some methods in the therapeutic process include but are hardly limited to understanding the impact of meaningful relationships in one's life, raising awareness of irrational thoughts and belief systems, increasing emotional connectivity, and strategizing behavioral changes. Through increasing emotional and cognitive awareness, you can achieve goals of enhancing your life and overall mood.



Online Psychotherapy & Life Coaching

Matthew also offers psychotherapy and life coaching by way of online video conferencing for those who don't live in the Los Angeles area.



Low cost face-to-face consultation